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서울 서울
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (3건)
Synthesis of Dihydroisoquinoline and Dihydropyridine Derivatives via Asymmetric Dearomative Thre
Open AccessCCS ChemistryRESEARCH ARTICLE6 Jun 2022Synthesis of Dihydroisoquinoline and Dihydropyridine Derivatives via Asymmetric Dear
Synthesis of Dihydroisoquinoline and Dihydropyridine Derivatives via Asymmetric Dearomative Thre
Open AccessCCS ChemistryRESEARCH ARTICLE6 Jun 2022Synthesis of Dihydroisoquinoline and Dihydropyridine Derivatives via Asymmetric Dear
경력단절예방서비스 표준 모델 개발
Development of Standard Models for Career Interruption Prevention Services 1. 서론 가. 연구 배경 및 목적 ○우리나라 여